Monday, March 28, 2005

Argh. Rethink required


Well folks, yesterday's training proved that I cannot run too much...left leg was fine until about 1.5 hours...then just got worse...

Anyway, at 4. 5 hours I had to abandon the training since my left leg wouldn't even bend...walked back round Jersey Road pondering life and abandoning the race. Hobbled round to Tony & Margaret's and they happened to be in - I sat down in the living room rather dejected. Anyway, was persuaded by them that in the end, what have I got to lose (besides a leg and the train fare if I have to abandon) since I cannot defer the entry again.

Got up after and hour and the leg was fine! bah. Yes a little stiff but ok. Could even jog a bit...anyway didn't force it, walked back to the car....

So training not going to plan. I may consider walking most of the way and running in the last few this space....haven't given up entirely...but need a different plan.

Running geek details for Saturday 26th:

2 circuits of 10k
half circuit
distance - 25k or thereabouts. Time on feet - nearly 6 hours (with one hour on the settee...)

Thursday, March 24, 2005

20 mins non-stop, physio, tennis elbow...what next

GACH! falling apart...well at least the tennis elbow doesn't impinge on my running - gadzooks. I'm thinking to myself, what else is going to fall off.

Returned to the running club yesterday, hopefully to continue a summer season of running.

Ah I've started my charity page it's

Anyway, 20 mins non-stop on the treadmill no pain (5 warm up, 5 warm down) - never run 20 mins non-stop in my life - with Brad's help I'll make through hopefully. Am chomping at the bit to do this week's long run, but I must rein myself in and do a shorter run today.

Am in higher spirits than last Sunday, but watch this space this Saturday to see the results of the training...whether I'll be happy as Charlie Brown running out of the park to lose the race or whether I'll be the grumpy penguin.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Pain....lake beautiful again...but what shall I do..?

Hi there

Went running round Virginia Waters again Sunday morning, but alas came down with leg cramp after only 1 hour. I decided to walk the rest and could only bear to do another 3.5 hours....which means that I didn't quite attain 5 hours.

What shall I do? Sigh...I'm going to see the physio tomorrow to see if he can advise me, but basically if that happens on the day I shall have to resort to walking round which may make it very slow indeed....mind you I could just grit my teeth eventually the pain becomes a dull ache...

Oh for those meeting up with me, there are repatriation points near the end point which is near the Mall - and I will be meeting up with people at repat point I (for Ixxxx). May be I should meet at repat point L (for Liz?)...what do you reckon?

Anyway, need some serious cheering up as I was not faring well round the lake on Sunday...I hope I don't have to stop training.

Mind you, I'm now set for the summer season to run (and win ;-)) the summer time trial and run the Concorde 10K in May...but stil stil ain't no marathon....

sigh.....apricots rock...must tell Gillian.

adios amigos.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Tardy post - frantic weekend - lake beautiful


Well headed off to Virginia Water as recommended by my colleague and what a great morning it was. The weather was just right, the lake was fab and there was a waterfall to boot! The trail was supposed to be 4.5 miles - but I'm not convinced, still I did do 4 circuits of it, I haven't got my times as they are in the car, will post later.

Ate carbo gel at 1 hour 15, but forgot to pack a gel for the next hour, so at around 2 hour 30 mins I started to feel a bit flakey...anyway had to walk round the rest of the circuit. Returned to car and packed a couple of gels and away for the next hour which wasn't too bad but started to get a pain behind my knee on the outside. Last hour was very slow because of that - was worse going down hill. Noticed some bruising...Anyway, did the 4 circuits in 4 hours 13 mins, so sort of staggered around aimlessly for another 15 mins to make up the time...

Feet sore and I was rather tired in the evening (went down to Bristol) but the next morning I was fine, we went for a walk around Doynton (near Wick) - we walked round a working quarry which was really interesting and ate mini rolls whilst surveying the view...

I bought a new pair of shoes to try out and ran 35 mins on the treadmill last night. Not too bad, very spongy on the heel, but I don't run using my heels any more so not sure how useful that will be! Shoes ok...

Tonight badders, then tomorrow speed or Yakko session. However, feel quite tired so will be making tonight a short sesh. Elbow also hurting as I type (the right one, not the left). Have physio appointment next week! Hope I can last that long.....

Ok folks, this weekend, no kayaking because I have a shiatsu class all day Saturday so I'll have to do the long run on Sunday...I think I will be going round Virginia Water again - this time 20 miles. I will start off more slowly this time I think - possibly walking round the first circuit....

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Motivation running low....except for running that is...

Well..struggling to get through my 4-side to-do list at work - have only ticked a few things off.

Yesterday good workout on treadmill although the ankle twinged a bit. Focused on running posture and pain went away. 6.35 k on 59:03 - (yes hit the stop button too soon...)

I've decided to run my long run this week outside on Saturday morning to see how my ankles fare.

Tonight Spanish, again,'s the monthly unused womanly function that is probably getting in the way, plus the sinking feeling on not being motivated to do anything on "that" list.

Need to get watch with a lap counter of more than 10, I usually use my phone but I ended up having a very long lap at the end because it only did 10 laps and I didn't want to delete any splits.

hmmm what else...yawn...very weary...need to think of something to perk me not going to Spanish! DON'T SAY THAT...argh.....


Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Ahhh lie in tomorrow...25.11km


Let me write in purple - purple is the colour of victory! Started at the gym at around 6.20pm, staggered out of the Power Zone at 10.35pm. First 3 hours fantastic, last hour going great guns until 15 mins before the end (5km) and left ankle packed up and had to walk - still making progress, this is 8km further than before. Will consider going to visit physio to scaffold it up...

Today Smash Hits was on. Was ok until Rick Astley came on...ew....thought where's that Usher and Will Smith (although did see his new vid twice - but it's got a very strong beat so I get drawn into slapping thighs...)

Ok so picture this. At around 2.5 hour point, in comes some bloke to use a treadmill - there are TWELVE treadmills in there and 2 are being used. He could have chosen the EIGHT that weren't near me but what does he do...he plonks himself right next to me and farts around for 21 minutes running at 16 then hanging on for dear life on the bars at 12.6, then 6.0...up and down up and down.....F***K I thought, you're ruining my concentration! AAAAARGH. Was so happy he left - you know how noisy the treadmill is when you put it to the max speed....

Well, the legs could have gone further, but the ankle is not so good. Will need to massage, ice, flex and dose up with ibuprofen...only 4 more long runs to go....

Here are the running geek details

1st 60 mins - 6.23k 2 mins at 5.3, 2 mins at 7.5
loo break
2nd 60 mins - 6.32k ditto
3rd 60 mins - 6.31k ditto
loo break
4th 60 mins - 6.15k - and that was with 15 mins walking at 6.0

Anyway, going to nurse my appendages now in the bath...have a great weekend!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Yasso 800s...ermmm Yakko?

This is a pre-long run post to tell you about my Wednesday run and psyche myself up for this evening. How can the London Marathon be in April when the weather is so rubbish for training outside. Oh well it'll be me slobbing in front of MTV Hits this evening so that I can head down to Brighton for the weekend.

Anyway Wednesday evening. I tried something called Yasso 800s - basically if I think I'm going to do 6 hours 30 mins, I do several sessions of 800m at 6 min 30 secs. In between each 800m at that speed I'm supposed to recover for 6 min 30 secs. Ok so I tried this and found that the running pace on the treadmill is 7.8 which is hardly higher than what I'm running in the long run...hmm may be I'm running to fast? The recovery 6.5 mins was interminable - I ended up leaving 5.5 mins between the last two 800m. I did 3 rounds, may be I'll do 5 next week. Anyway, still elated from being able to run any more than a minute at a time.

Tonight it's Urban Lyrics for 4 hours - or 15 miles/24 km. If that makes you want to lie down in a dark room already...well when you're doing that please remember me in the darkened room with Will Smith and Usher. Feel good at the mo, although the dreaded LURGY is approaching which will be a test for everyone around me (and has already been).

Oh Tuesday got into see Clive Anderson at Teddington Studios - only just, I was turned away originally, but the two ushers called me back as I was about to walk out of the door! Result.

Ok...cake for a birthday behind better oblige...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Step change! was grim this morning. Letters, neighbours, work...then in the afternoon...PMS...

BUT, a ray of light in the power zone at Topnotch, today I ran 60mins and for some miraculous reason i ran 10 minutes without having to walk in the middle of it! It was as though it was meant to be, the legs just kept going without any effort...very strange...

Anyway I was only going to do 30 mins but ended up finishing strong at 60 mins.

So after 25 min mark, I didn't run any more 1 min session, more like 7, 5, and 7 minute runs with 2 or 3 mins gap in between...

Only at the end did I probably overdid it (left ankle front played up) ahh but I was rather elated.

Anyway...tomorrow it's a hot date with Clive at Teddington Studios....

Hello P7!

Greetings team! Click here to see my contribution to the Away Day - show and tell. WARNING: Live fish stall in video... Water chestnut puddi...