Monday, January 31, 2005

Blobby blubber bloats blog

Sigh..bloating blogs blast blithering blunders.

Anyway enough blathering on. Today I am dedicating this blog to the dipthong bl.

Blink and January's over, nearly into Month 2 of 2005. Winter was blissfully unaware of her demise and now it's nearly...Valentine's Day.

Blast...gotta get through this day...

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Happy New Year....maybe?

After reading too many motivational books, listening to NB's Wild Horses and Unwritten, thought I'd better jot down a note here.

Forgot my own home phone number last week so had a minor panic about memory loss. However, my reasoned mind told me that despite the fact that I thought I never ever forgot any phone numbers in the whole scheme of things, I should rather be glad I can remember the view at McWay falls...

Christmas QUIET. New Year QUIET. Possibly not the same celebrating it in a party of one. Not intentional though, but relatives were sleep deficient and worried about staying awake for their children over the weekend...being a sleep demon I can relate.

Back to being QUIET.

Think I'll go out in the rain today....wait! It's not raining. Kitkats for cycle mechanics and lunch with a stranger.

Hello P7!

Greetings team! Click here to see my contribution to the Away Day - show and tell. WARNING: Live fish stall in video... Water chestnut puddi...