Monday, July 27, 2015


Hello there

I'm musing about writing more on my blogs but don't know which to use. I currently write regularly to Zafu Lolly but I'm not quite sure that's enough.

There is a lot more to life than meditation, considering I only do it for around 45 mins a day. However, apparently I am supposed to be mindful 24/7 but that is proving to be a task and a half. I'm looking longingly at these fried broad beans but have just had to dash to the loo for an evac which I believe has been caused by over-consumption.

Anyhoo, the view is pretty good up here, but now I must return to the task at hand. Until another time.

Hello P7!

Greetings team! Click here to see my contribution to the Away Day - show and tell. WARNING: Live fish stall in video... Water chestnut puddi...